Thursday, 5 December 2013

I can't believe we're in December!

I cant believe we're already in December, I don't know how you are feeling but for me I feel as though I have just blinked and missed the year somehow and the days are going by so fast! On the plus side I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping I remember why I shouldn't start so early - its because I spend and spend and spend on the boys they have been absolutely ruined this year and they both certainly know what they want, We have our advent calenders up which the boys remind me to open each day for them its a great way of Liam learning numbers he tells me each day what number we're on he is not only counting down to Santa he is counting down to the 21st of December- were going to Thomas Land to see Santa he is really excited!

Liam has today off school because the other half of the nursery (the morning group) are going off to the farm he doesn't go until next week, I cant wait a whole day just me and Adam! but for today I have promised him we are going to put the decorations up (daddy is coming to help- which seems far better than mummy!) and he can not wait no doubt he will be up at the crack of dawn I have so much to post here but at the moment I am struggling to find time to wash up let alone anything else its such a busy time of the year but hopefully I will find the time to show you my lovely decorations tomorrow!

Have a great day all whatever you are doing and I will catch up again soon!


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