Monday, 17 February 2014

Meal Planning Monday 17/02/2014

Last week didn't quite go to plan the meal planning went out of the window with the boys being poorly and me being so exhausted it was just grab what I could when I could, in fact some evenings last week I never even got an evening meal, because of looking after the boys. I didn't even have time to make my recipe of the week so this week I am going to make spaghetti and meat balls so watch out later in the week for that recipe hope you all have a lovely week.

The Menu for this week is 

  • Monday, shepherds pie
  • Tuesday, Special fried rice
  • Wednesday, spaghetti and meat balls (slimming world night)
  • Thursday, Stir fry
  •  Friday, homemade burgers and Chips
  • Saturday, spaghetti Carbonara
  • Sunday, Roast Gammon     
Again I am linking up with the lovely at home with Mrs M for her Linky Meal Planning Monday

Meal Planning Monday

1 comment

  1. Sorry to hear you've had a rough time with illnesses...hope everyones better now :)



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