Saturday, 5 April 2014

First bike ride and fun at the park

As you know a few weeks ago it was Liam's fourth birthday, one of the presents he had for his birthday was his first bike so at the beginning of the week we had some nicer weather so off we went to the park for his first ride round - I even took Adam his little trike but it has a handle so I can push him along he is little and still cant reach the pedals!

That path in the picture goes all the way round in a circle and he managed to ride all the way round it twice, very slowly and turning the corners he turned the handle bars a bit to far and managed to fall off a few times but he loved it and he was getting faster as he was learning which way to pedal but still couldn't take his eyes off his feet bless him.

We also when to the park while we were out mummy got lumbered with the bikes I didn't realise how heavy a four year old's bike could be! 

The boys do love the park its something I don't think children could ever get bored of!  

I really enjoyed our morning at the park I never thought I would see Liam riding a bike as before in the past he has always refused to get on a bike and he didn't want one he blatantly refused point blank to go anywhere near one, I don't think there will be any stopping him now so we will be spending much more time on bikes over the spring/summer! I might even get myself a bike with a seat for Adam than we could all go out riding!


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Looks like he had a lot of fun learning to ride his new bike :) Have a lovely weekend x

    1. we had a lovely weekend I hope you did too thanks xx

  2. I've found that they take to bikes in their own time - there's certainly no rushing them and they need that time to build their confidence. At four years old I'd say he's doing very well and as you say he's got the bug now and will want to ride more. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. yes I guess I thought he would never ride a bike as he didn't take to trikes I am looking forward to watching him grow with his bike this year xx

  3. A wonderful moment! Great having somewhere for them to gain confidence

    1. yes that park is great to take them especially as we live in the city thanks for the comments xx


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