Monday, 5 August 2013

my first post...............nervous!

Hiya all im Helen
my first blog post how exciting! about me  as i said im a qualified nurse, I qualified as a registered adult trained nurse in 2011 it took a lot of hard work and dedication and there were times i thought id never make it till the end but i did, my first job as a staff nurse was in a local Cat B male prison that was fun but not so long after starting i found myself pregnant with my second son so i left for my maternity and didn't return childcare made it impossible to even consider the hours i could have done there, so i took on a palliative role working full time nights but in march after a breakdown in relationship my partner left us and with no option i had to give up my role as a nurse and become a full time stay at home mummy.
2013 has not been a great year after losing my grandma in June who was a major influence and part in my life i find myself here looking for somewhere to write review and have people listen so that for me is my first post i hope you enjoyed reading it  and there will be plenty of posts to follow this one with a more fun approach!



  1. Hi helen :-) thats a great qualification you have thats not going anywhere :-) look forward to hearing more x

  2. Stay positive, you are doing great xx

  3. aww thank you both for your lovely comments its made me smile a lot i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it!

  4. Well done hun, look forward to your next post @msedollyp xx

  5. Hi Helen glad you finally got around to blogging and at least you now have somewhere you can write down however you feel, :-)

  6. Hi Helen, you sound lovely - and an 'angel' too! I am looking forward to your posts and I hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday xxx

  7. I'm sure things will start looking up for you, well done on doing positive things like this blog.


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