Monday 23 September 2013

Blackberry picking

Autumn is just around the corner, on Saturday it was my birthday and what better way to spend it than blackberry picking it is so underrated, in the summer we talk so much about strawberry picking but why pay for fruit when there is so much of this delicious fruit growing around waiting to be picked and eaten for free! their is a field not to far away from us that is full of them so why not take advantage save some money and go picking it was a beautiful day so it could not have been more perfect.

Now unfortunately although it is the time of year that the blackberries are all ripe there was not that many left as I think everyone had the same idea, as you can see this blackberry above looks pretty lonely but we had fun and still managed to pick a good tub full.

Liam looking at what we had collected he would not try any as he is not a big foodie lover

Adam loving eating the blackberries after he was told no more he went off and started to pick his own 

having a run around together Adam with his mouth full as usual!

cheeky purple face before we were leaving 

                                                                 A beautiful day

myself and the boys had great fun don't be put off by the thorns on the plants just get some wellies to protect your feet and take some gardening gloves and a big tub of course and get stuck in, why not take advantage of the time of year and pick yourself some beautiful delectable blackberries.


1 comment

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day! There are still quite a few on the bushes, probably as autumn has been so mild this year. I'm going to go again this weekend to get what will probably be the last batch of the year.


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