Friday 27 September 2013


As you all know this year has been a pretty rubbish one for me to say the least, But if there is one thing that I have taken from this experience is that bad situations brings out the best in others.
I have seen so much kindness from people. My family are a rock the amazing love and support from them I could never say enough thanks for, there always there when I cry, when I laugh, when I am angry, they're there with loving words of wisdom to help me pick myself up, carry on, to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if it doesn't always shine that bright.

Then there are my close friends. I am sure they get tired of the never ending phone calls when I ring and have nothing to say but I want company adult conversation. They never put the phone down, they listen and advise they make me laugh, they cry with me, when I am angry they are angry, because they care, because they have hearts of gold, they always go above and beyond for me and I will never forget. I don't know if I will ever be able to give back what they have given to me but I will do my best to always be there for them like they have for me.

There are also the people in my life that I have never met before, the comping girls I share daily gripes with, that are always there with listening ears always willing to help if they can, the few on twitter that I talk to everyday the bloggers that I have never met. Yet are all so willing to give me time to listen to me to give advice, I have met some of the wisest people I know through doing what I have done in the last year.

To the whole bunch of you, you all know who you are, I know you will read this because your support will carry on through whatever I do, I want to say Thank you, its such a small word but has such a massive meaning behind it, it almost does not seem enough, but I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I love you all and I want you all to know how grateful I am for everything.

Sometimes with life passing by so quickly, and with everyone being so busy we forget to tell people how much we appreciate them in our lives. Who has helped you recently? who has supported you? have a think and tell them, life is to short and goes by to fast.

friendship quotes say thank you



  1. Thankyou too! Every day I am glad to have the friends that I have!
    Hilda x

  2. Well said - I have two friends I met at primary school and they are what I call my best friends. We are 38 now and have supported each other through life's ups and downs. I think I have had the most downs between the three of us and I don't know how I would have managed without them!

    1. its great to have good friends isn't it makes you feel like you have an extended family!

  3. So true - I don't know what I'd do without my girlfriends. The sistahood is so important and always there!


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