Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday again!

Well Its Monday again I cant help thinking I am blinking and missing the whole week! I have a feeling this week Is going to be another fast one plus its half term week so keeping busy with the kids will be half the battle of not hearing Liam saying those horrible words I am bored mummy!
I really hate it when he says that!

But with it being Adams birthday on Thursday we are planning a morning at the local indoor soft play area which I am sure they will love but it will be packed as well! I am determined I am going to make him a cake so I will let you know how I get on with that!

How was you weekend? I am officially day four now of giving up smoking I am going to be telling you more about this in a later post but I am actually really proud of myself to be four days in and still of the fags!

Have a fabulous week everyone I would love to know if you have anything planned?? x x


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