Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Talented child and Tots dance stars

As people we are all drawn to cute kids that have got exceptional talents, we all watch in awe gasping and probably wishing we had their talent, Which brings me to Viral Videos featuring little kiddies and tiny tots.

The American talk show, The Ellen show, is really good at showcasing viral dance videos featuring little starlet and viral videos on a whole...

Granted it helps to boost her ratings, but who could really resist these talented little ones anyway...

It's also really nice to see the little ones come on national TV with such a stellar display of talent today I thought I'd be an advocate of kids dance videos gone viral in my own right and share just a few of the latest greats

This Little girl Is just two years old, watch how She mimics her mums every move, she is fantastic in the way she dances she manages to stay in time with her mum and you can clearly see she dotes on her, this is one of the most amazing dance videos I have seen, the little girl oozes confidence and has a copious amount of talent she is a little star in the making.

This little girl is so cute, In the nearly three minutes she is on the stage she has the audiences hearts captured, she is funny and sweet as she stomps, wiggles and sings at the top of her voice throughout the performance.The little girl next to her tries to carry on dancing but struggles to remember correct moves seemingly very confused by the little girl next to her, this just adds to the humour of the video.

This dancing sensation is four year old Tristan, You will see him audition for Belgium's got talent reciting the Gangnam style dance, step for step when you see all his little amazing moves you almost forget he is only four years old the way he dances is effortless. He has the audience, cheering, clapping and gasping from the moment he walks onto the stage. 


This is eight year old Tania Maura, strutting her stuff to Beyonce single ladies her dancing is unbelievable, there is a distinct maturity about her you can see she takes dancing very seriously. The dance moves and steps are mimicked exactly in time with Beyonce of which the music video is being played in the background this girl has an unbelievable talent.

This video not only shows how great some children are at dancing it shows how they are easily adaptable and multi talented this little girl makes skating and dancing look so easy, she is such a little thing with massive brilliant dance movements. in years to come continuing to develop naturally is going to bring a progression which will hopefully see her being a world class skater and dancer.

I can only imagine how proud their mum's are - I know I would be. I can definitely see a lot of these kids going on to a more professional level, as they're already so a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure the last two pursue dance with a passion and seriousness to go on to achieve huge world class professions in the future. Given their choice of both of the girls attire - the little single ladies dancer in her leotard and the artistic skater in her urban skate wear they both really are the whole package.

It would be great to see my own kids take up an activity like this and pursue it with such commitment and pride, as you can clearly see in the videos above just how much confidence these little tots have in their abilities and how much they love what they are doing, a fact also reiterated by strictly come dancing's Camilla Dallerup, who started dancing at the tender age of two.

*This is a Pr related publication 

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