Hiya everyone, its been a while since I have actually had time to post something from me I have been so busy! how is all your decorating and wrapping going? I have to say that I have wrapped nearly all the boys Christmas presents I am not scrooge, but I hate wrapping its just one of those things I don't like doing maybe It would be a better idea if I wrapped as I went a long, the huge pile wouldn't look so daunting.
I have another full week this week I need to get to the post office and post parcels tomorrow, Liam is in his Christmas play on Tuesday he has got the grand part of a Cow bless him his song goes something like moo moo moo moo moo moo as you read it that is how he sings it I actually think he maybe tone deaf he makes me laugh he knows the words to the Christmas songs but he sings nothing in tune!
Then on Thursday its party time Liam has one at school and I am taking Adam to one at play group he will get to see Santa as well which will be lovely for him, something I have learn't about Adam is he really is a Play group child he loves it probably because everyone makes a fuss of him he loves snack time and the songs too, he really is a show off cute but very bad tempered at the moment.
Then as we get to Saturday we are all off to Thomas Land at drayton mannor Liam and Adam's daddy is taking us so that should be a lovely day out, Liam already knows we are going to Thomas land on number 21 so he is really excited.
So as you see the week is going to be a busy one hopefully with less articles to post this week, I will be able to post lots more of some other bits I have about us!
Have a great week whatever you are all doing! I have lots more bits to do, How much more preperation do you have to do?
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