Monday, 6 January 2014

BritMums live 2014 - Sponsorship help

After a 2013 being a bad year, the best thing to come out of the year is my blog. It really is one of the best things I have ever done, I have really worked hard to get it the way it is now and it has taken a lot of hard work and dedication but I am really enjoying every moment of it!

I am learning so many new things about the world, new upcoming products and most importantly about myself, I have realised I am much more motivated than I would have first said, I have also learnt that when you get knocked back you get up dust your self off and move on, where as previously I probably would have sat and mulled over things and worried about them.

I am feeling so much better about where my life, although it is not perfect or ideal in some ways but it I am positive going in the right direction, this year is going to bring great things! As you know I am soon to be a working woman part time but its better than nothing, its the job I have always dreamt of!

With my blog really progressing and my love for writing and learning growing everyday I am very much dedicated to my blog, motherhood and what is soon to be my new job. I love sharing things and my life with my readers and anyone else that catches its eye.

One of my goals as stated on a previous post is to attend BritMums live, If you are not familiar with this event, BritMums Live! is the UK’s biggest, two-day social media conference and blogger event, where lifestyle bloggers and social influencers gather to meet and socialise, network with brands, improve their skills, and fire their creativity. With nearly 5000 influential bloggers attending, made up of UK’s largest parent blogging network.

What Can I offer you in return for sponsorship?
A post introducing you as my sponsor for BritMums live including links to your page and links/mentions in any subsequent posts relating to BritMums live.
  • A badge of your brand on the homepage of my blog or an Advert for a period of 12 months.
  • Your brand name mentioned in any of my BritMums live mentions across all of my social media channels.
  • To use any corresponding products or to wear an item of clothing with the sponsorship logo on throughout the event, plus the logo on my blog business card highlighting your sponsorship.
  • To host any competitions, surveys or giveaways that you think would be beneficial on my blog.
  • to review any items or services that you would think that would fit into my blog.

What would I like from your sponsorship?

I would like the cost of the two day conference covering which is £95 plus the cost of a two night stay in London which will be approximately £190 bringing the total cost to approximately £295. If you are thinking of sponsoring several bloggers I would be happy to hotel share which would bring the cost down somewhat.

I am not just after a weekend away, I am very dedicated to giving my time to my blog and different brands, I would love to build a great working relationship with you. blogging and forming lasting relationships with not only brands but other bloggers is very important to me.

If you are interested in sponsoring my parenting and lifestyle blog which at the moment on twitter reaches out to over 2000 followers and over 900 followers on facebook I would love to hear from you and to discuss things further.

You can contact me or or you can find me on twitter @HelenRemi411

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