Saturday 7 June 2014

A tiring new begining - Back to Work

As you may have noticed I haven't posted much over the last few weeks I have been busy getting to grips with my new job and the lots of new things I have been learning, not just at work but at home too.

I have several e-learning courses on the go that seem to be taking up most of my time but I am finally getting the training and learning that I have yearned for.

The boys went to the childminders for the first time last week, and I am not going to lie it was tough for me and very long days for them. I had doubts about sending them, I think its only natural a mothers instincts set in, after all they're the most precious things in my world and I want them to be happy and settled in the environment they are spending there time in, luckily they have really enjoyed there days there in fact the first day they ran in, and didn't look back, I was more heart broken than they were, it upset me that I felt like they didn't need me anymore.

In the long run I know that I have made the best decision for the future even if things are hard work, and the 4.45am starts are making me shattered.  

So this week I am playing a major catch up in the world of blogging - I have some fantastic reviews to post, a competition and some top tips on how to manage challenging behavior in children so lots to look forward too again!

Hope to catch you all here again soon.


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