Thursday, 4 September 2014

#Pregnancy my saviour DLux Pregnancy spray #Review

After finding out I was pregnant I was sent the DLUX Pregnancy spray to try out - What is it you might ask?

It is a Daily Nutritional Oral Spray which contains Vitamin D3, B1, B6 and folic acid, all essential vitamins to keep you and bump healthy. Unlike your average folic acid tablets this is a small bottle definitely handbag size and rather than heaving on tablets in the morning you simply use the spray up to five times throughout the day, spraying it under the tongue for a faster absorption,  meaning more of the benefits of the spray are utilised as it isn't having to go through your stomach. An effective alternative to tablets or capsules, DLux Pregnancy is the ideal solution for those suffering from morning sickness.

folic acid pregnancy spray alternative vitamins in pregnancy

The spray has a natural peppermint flavour, which is very mild so great for not making you feel sick. If like me you have suffered with morning sickness and still suffered with sickness in the latter stages of pregnancy this product is great. I really like that its handbag size so its easy to carry around and I found that it did help to ease off my sickness somewhat so being able to have up to five sprays a day really helped.

The DLUX Pregnancy spray can be used from the early stages of pregnancy right the way through to birth and you can continue to use it whilst breast feeding - I am still using mine and will continue to use it throughout the pregnancy, not only does it help combat sickness, I feel at ease that I am getting the right vitamins for myself and bump to stay healthy.

The Price Of the DLUX Pregnancy Spray is £9.95 which I think is reasonable given the benefits of the product. you can buy this product from A Better You Ltd  they also have other vitamin sprays available for children so why not pop over and have a look at there other products as well.


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