Since having the twins I have heard this phrase "you have got your hands full" at least once a day but its getting to the point where I go out with the kids and hear it from at least three strangers a day and im not normally a negative person my glass is always half full but it is slowly driving me insane, I mean what exactly does it mean? That people think my life is really busy? That I cant cope? That I don't have any time for myself? Or are they implying that I shouldn't have five children that perhaps I am lazy or a baby making machine with no other life outside of motherhood.
When people say it sometimes I feel like they are looking down there nose at me, like I am, or have done something wrong, I usually just smile and say yes - I know people are probably just trying to make small talk and most but not all are not being rude, but I feel like an idiot just smiling and burying my eyes into the pushchair.
I am proud of my family every single one of them at there is not a single moment where I have thought I have got my hands full. There has got to be some better responses to use when people say "you have got your hands full" I put my thinking cap on and this is what I have come up with perhaps people will start to think before saying that god damn awful phrase.
- Feel free to take them off my hands for an hour.
- No there not, full were thinking of having some more.
- It just looks that way because I am small but I can handle a lot more than this.
- Yes but my heart is fuller.
- Better than being empty.
- We just don't know how to say no.
- Right? well I better sell a few.
- We can't afford a television.
- yep and I love every minute of it.
- Never a dull moment
Do you have any more to add to the list? I would love to hear your thoughts?
I used to get wound up with '5 kids? what no TV? All boys? wouldn't you like a girl?' My come back to the last one was 'I was hoping for a pony' it seemed to shut people up