Today I am going to be do something new on the blog interviewing the lovely Estelle from mums in business association, which is taking the world by storm with her brand new concept for supporting mums across the world with small businesses in just 14 weeks they have managed to already get together 14k women from around the globe to share their problems network and support one another to help grow there businesses, we are going to be talking about how Estelle got started and how mums in business can help you?

1) Tell me a bit about your background?
Estelle - I'm a mummy to 2 boys, Jed whos 9 and Obi who is 6. For the last 18 months, I have been running my wedding photography business full time as well as launching Mums in Business alongside my amazing sister Leona.
Leona - I'm a mum of 5, female entrepreneur & kick ass empowerment coach.
Mums in business Association is a place where women can come for training support and to network with other women in similar situations. We offer video training in the group as well as guest experts, world famous inspirational women and lots lots more...oh, did we mention we are also running a retreat?
3) How did the idea come for mums in business come about?
We had lots of conversations about how we felt as mums in business. We felt that there was nothing that catered for everything all in one place. There were places you could go to for business advice or help being a mum...but nothing that ticked all the boxes. If we felt like this, we were positive other women felt like this too. And so MIBA was born!
4) Does your business have a stated mission statement, what do you feel the reason that mums in business exist?
Our mission statement is It's not a dream, it's a plan. I think that is quite self-explanatory. There is nothing that you cannot achieve willpower, determination and wine lol
5) How did you get the background and skills necessary to run this type of business?
Being mums who run business ourselves we felt that we had a wealth of knowledge already.
6) What are the advantages of this form of business ownership?
We love that we are inspiring and supporting so many other amazing women. We get messages on a daily basis from our tribe telling us how we are changing peoples lives and how much our support is valued.
7) how do you juggle your own business, family, and running mums in business association
Organisation is the key. Time management is crucial. We both have extremely busy lives and find it much easier to manage by allowing set time for everything. We set ourselves to do lists and schedules on a daily and weekly basis. I ( Estelle ) love being organised, especially using my Asana boards...Leona, on the other hand, is more laid back and laughs at how anal I am about list writing. We are a perfect mix of crazy to get by!
8) If a mum was really struggling what help would you offer them?
Well this is quite an open question but We would like to think there is nothing that we cannot help with; and if we cant help, we can pretty much guarantee that one of our amazing 15K tribe will step up!
We are on facebook, Mums in Business Association, this is a closed group, you have to be approved. We are also on Instagram @mumsinbusinessassociation and we have lots of information on upcoming network events, training, guest speakers and the retreat on the website
World domination! We want to have inspired hundreds of thousands of more women into reaching for their dreams.
I also asked some bloggers that had there own businesses if they would like to ask some questions and here they are;
1) Pete Chatfield from
Why mums and not dads?
We are mums ourselves and so can relate. There is no point trying to pretend we know how men work...we don't! lol
2) Christy Bruckner from,
Do you think self-employed mums struggle to be recognized and respected as genuine businesswomen and how can that be changed?
Yes and this is why we created MIBA...power in numbers. We all support each other and help to build not only businesses but women's confidence at the same time.
3) Katie Brinkworth from
What tips do you have for mums like myself who are just starting their own business and struggling to get it off the ground?
Don't give up and ask for help when you need it. MIBA is a great place for women to ask questions in a safe environment where they will not be judged. All of our members are at different points in their journey...don't compare yourself!
I'd love some time management tips for mums working from home. Kate
Schedule and plan plan plan!!
5) Victoria Glass from
Any tips on how to cope with having a business and working full time as an employee?
Set times for when you will work on certain things. But most importantly make sure you are taking time out for yourself and your family!
If you would like to find out more about Mums in Business Association you can visit there Website Here
Tommorrow night 31st October 2017 at 21.00 GMT Mums in business association is attempting a world record attempt to take part all you have to do is post a picture of yourself holding up a sign saying Proud to be MIB and use the hashtag #MIBAVIP there will also be lots of prizes up for grabs so why not get involved!!
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