Saturday, 28 October 2017

Peppa Pig Interactive Playmat

We were lucky enough to be sent the Peppa pig interactive Playmat, I say lucky because with my son Jack there are only a couple of programmes he loves the first being Peppa pig the second is Ben and Hollys little kingdom so every day when Jack is not at nursery he wants Peppa pig on all day every day even if he isn't really watching it that boy knows if you change the channel over!

Peppa Pig Interactive Playmat

With being a huge Peppa pig fan as you can imagine the interactive playmat went down a storm when it arrived, Jack could not stop jumping up and down on the spot, luckily the mat comes all in one piece so it is just a case of taking it straight out of the box and popping some batteries in it, unfortunately like most toys these days it does not come with batteries.

The mat is quite large it measures 89 x 3 x 81 cm square so there is a lot of room for your child to move around on it the size was not a problem for us as our main room is quite large but it's worth keeping that in mind before purchasing it having said that it is just as easy to put away as it is to get out the box. 

The mat is aimed at children ages three and upwards although Jack isn't three until January he seemed to find it very easy to use and its instructions easy to understand although some of the colours were difficult for him just because he still gets them mixed up but I did not find the mat was a lot out of his age range.

Peppa Pig Interactive Playmat

The Peppa Pig mat is really brightly coloured and the mat has not only Peppa pig on it it has a lot of the other characters from the show. Peppa Pigs Interactive Play Mat has 4 different fun modes The mat its self is very educational with electronic learning in mind, Each of the different modes can help with things such as your child’s coordination, memory, number and colour recognition. To choose a fun mode you push the picture option on the panel at the bottom of the play mat and then simply follow the instructions. There are 4 fun modes to choose from; ‘Peppa Says’, a numbers game, ‘Where is? ‘ and a singalong mode. 

Peppa Pig Interactive Playmat

Jack really enjoyed playing with this and as I said above even though this is aimed at children 3+ it didn't seem out of his age range at all, it was easy to use, has clear instructions for a child to follow, and is definitely lots of fun Jack enjoyed all the modes and did get up to dance along to the singalong mode.

Overall we loved the Peppa pig interactive playmat it is fun, educational and will keep your little one happy,  like most children Jacks age there are a lot of Peppa pig toys on his Christmas list this year, if your child loves Peppa Pig as much as Jack does this would make a great addition to add to there list.
The Peppa Pig Interactive play mat is available to buy from Amazon RRP £19.99

This fun interactive mat was sent to us for the purpose of this review all opinions remain honest and my own.



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