Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Bath time fun: Cussons mum & me Little Explorers range #review

Bath time is always a fun time for myself and the boys. We always welcome anything new into it, whether it is new songs, plastic boats, an empty shampoo bottle or new products.
So when Cussons asked me if myself and the boys would like to review there Little Explorers range we jumped at the chance.

Cussons mum & me are famous for there new born range and mum to be range of products, I am a mum that usually knows most brands that are about as I like to try lots of different things so I was surprised that I had not seen this range before.

In the range there is
  • Super soft squidgy soap 200ml  (squidge) £2.49
  • happy splashy hair & body wash 300ml (splash) £2.49
  • funky fizz bath crackles 30g (fizz) £1
  • mega mild bubble bath 500ml (Blip) 2.99
bath time for kids making bath time fun

When the products arrived the packaging looks great its neutral so it suits both sexes yet is bright and looks great fun. Each individual product has its own character name which I thought was a great Idea.

The Little Explorers range are all hypoallergenic and dermatologist approved which is something that is always great to see with lots of children's skin being quite sensitive.

Tonight we started off our bath adventure with the funky fizz bath crackles, I had already told Liam that we can got some new things to try and he was very enthusiastic and excited. So what are the bath crackles? They are like tiny crystals and do what they say they fizz and crackle as you pour them into the water. They turn the water a blue/green colour Liam watched fascinated by them and said
 "mummy its magic"

Liam watching in awe as the fizz was poured into the bath and Adam trying to get his hand into the packet

The fizz turning the water blue

It really was magic in there eyes, they thought it was great fun. Adam was trying to get his hand in the packet as I don't think mummy was pouring them into the bath just quite quick enough for him!

Next we tried the mega mild bubble bath,

This is what it says it is, its mega mild it did not irritate the boys skin and there were no tears when Adam rubbed all the bubbles into his eyes, I loved the smell it is not an overpowering smell but it was a fresh and clean one, the bottle is a generous size which is always a plus.


mega mild bubble bath

playing with the bubbles before he had had his face washed!
I wish there was smell-o vision as it it smells divine.

The boys liked this but it was not as exciting as the funky fizz bath crackle.

next up was the happy splashy hair and body wash
Another good sized product, again this was very mild no tears when they got any in there eyes and it smells lovely. I do not think the boys were that impressed, although they don't cry at having there hair washed, I don't think they find it that fun, so nothing to do with the product Its all about the fun I guess having your hair washed just isn't that fun for children.

 smiles no tears when having his hair washed

Last but by no means least, the super soft squidgy soap,

This is another good sized product, it has not really got a smell to it and the soap is really mild, However this was the biggest hit of all with the boys, They loved soap that comes out of the tin is a soft squidgy like mousse type stuff that you can mold into different shapes, animals and cars I am told by Liam. They were laughing and giggling when it was spraying out of the tin, this wasn't chore wash time this was go mad in the bath playtime they were so excited about it!
I have to say in the end I had to tell them it was all finished otherwise the whole bottle of the mousse would have ended up in the bath. 

 soft squidgy soap spraying everywhere

Asking for more! 

Adam was fascinated he loved it!

Over all I thought the Little Explorer products were great, I love that they have character names it adds a little story to the bath range and makes it more exciting.
I would say the little explorers bath range are a better quality than some of the other children's bath ranges that are on the market so deserve to be at the higher end with their price tag, The boys absolutely loved them and the range definitely stands up to its slogan

"there is nothing routine about bath time"

The favourite in first place was the squidgy soap, closely followed by the fizz bath crackles It was fun, fun, fun the trouble was the boys didn't want to get out of the bath.

Would I buy these products? honestly yes I would. I think It will cost me a fortune in squidgy bath soap as the boys think they need to use the whole tin in one bath, however its worth it to see them laughing giggling and having so much fun. 

The Little Explorer range are fantastic products that have certainly made bath time less stressful no fighting over toys there is enough squidgy soap for everyone.

To find out more about the Cussons Little Explorers range of products see HERE

These products were sent to me for the purpose of this review all opinions expressed are honest and my own 


  1. What a lovely review thank you! I will have to give this brand a try too!

    1. oh yes I am surprised I hadn't seen it before the review it smells lush though!

  2. Hehe, I'd forgotten how much fun bathtime was.

    1. great fun for the boys hard work for mummy I should just get in with them I am usually soaked as well by the time they get out!

  3. The squidgy soap looks like great fun! Will definitely get some to try.

  4. Another well written and informative review! Thank you!

  5. Great review - They looked they had such fun!

  6. I really like the sound of the •funky fizz bath crackles 30g (fizz) £1


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