Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bedtime story with a difference Chocolapps for iOS devices, #review

As you all know in our house, our bedtime routine ends with a story, usually one that I make up or that Liam picks from his book shelf. I like to think of myself as quite a traditional mum and I am not usually overly enthusiastic about children having technology, but tonight we have done things a little bit differently.

So I am Introducing to you 


Apps for children bedtime reading

As I said I am not usually overly enthusiastic on the boys being involved in to much technology, so tonight I was quite sceptical about what the boys would think of being read a story from an app on a device. 
We were sent Hansel and Gretal and Little red riding hood in story's to review.
I have to say I was very surprised the boys absolutely loved the stories they were fixated on the screen, I have never seen such a quiet bed time, they laughed and giggled at the wolf from red riding hood. The story's much to my amazement are really educational, entertaining and all round excellent. You can either be read the book by the app, watching the digital images or you can turn over to the text so the child can read the story for themselves. The child can also press on any word and the app will tell them what the word says, so it helps with reading skills. It would also be beneficial if you had a child that was learning another language as you can switch between different languages at the touch of a button.

Let me tell you more about Chocolapps, they are a phone app developer that have been publishing children's interactive apps for three years. Their apps are made to help children to develop themselves in an interactive and funny way. They are aimed at children between the ages of 3-12 years old.

They have over 30 different application's available which are divided into three different categories,
  • The Kid-eBooks such as Peter Pan, Robin Hood, Pinocchio and lots of other classic favorites
  • The Kid-eLearns, the human body, from earth to space & kid-ecook
  • The Kid-eGames, 7 differences, Puzzle and Hide & Seek 

All the apps are available in 7 different languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch) and board features support reading and comprehension. 

In France, these tools are processed, validated and optimized by teachers and organizations working on the acquisition and operation of the language.

I was sent four of the apps to review the two story books that I have mentioned above in which the boys loved and a further two.

The human body (kid-eLearns)

This is an app aimed towards older children, it has numerous different sections to the app from the immune system, bones, right down to reproduction. Tom the lion professor will talk you through different sections, for instance if you click on the woman's stomach when the image shows you pregnancy, it will show you how the stomach grows and it speaks to tell you the different parts of the body. The app is accurate and makes learning great fun.

Tom, the lion professor will talk you through the different sections.

7 Differences (Kids-eGames)

This app is great fun for all ages, even adults like myself enjoy it, the game helps to increase children's development in different skills through counting, remembering where missing items are and memory through the memory game. The app also teaches them to be patient and to concentrate as you have to look very carefully to spot the differences.



 spot seven differences three different styles of memory games in one app

I thought all four of the apps were excellent, my favorite's over all were the children's story apps, I would have never thought of downloading story's by apps but it is definitely worth doing it as children love them. I also love that they are all classic story's that you will never tire of.

To find out more about Chocolapps you can visit their website Here

I was sent the Chocolapps apps free of charge for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own and are honest


  1. I love e-books for kids, the fact they are so interactive reeally engages them with reading.

    1. I had never thought of it like that before I guess im a bit old fashioned I need to get myself in to the 21st century I think!

  2. Replies
    1. definitely worth a download I think they have one on for free at the moment robin hood if I am right worth a look though x


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