Friday, 11 October 2013

Health awareness; Nappy rash

As parents we all know how horrible it is when your baby/toddler has nappy rash, it can range from mild to severe I don't think there is anything you can do to stop your child from ever getting a nappy rash, however as parents we can try, by having the right knowledge about the causes and prevention.

Nearly all babies and toddlers will get nappy rash at least once in there early years up until they are potty trained.

Nappy rash can either be quite mild as in their is just a small area covered in a pink or red rash made up of small spots or blotches and usually with cream disappears as quickly as it has arrived.
However sometimes symptoms can be more severe these are often more advanced and cause distress and pain to a child, they can be in forms of bright red spots, dry cracked, broken skin or swellings ulcers and blister. This can sometimes spread further and move to be on their legs tummy and lower back. Also common in children is thrush.

coping with children infants and babies with nappy rash

Nappy rash is more likely to occur when,
  • You have a baby that is premature
  • During teething
  • Your child is unwell or have recently had a vaccination
  • when their changing from breast feeding to bottle feeding
  • After antibiotics as this can upset there stomach and give them diarrhoea
  • starting on solids or when they have cows milk for the first time

Many things can combine to the be cause of nappy rash one of the main causes is wearing a nappy for too long and here are some of the other reasons why a child might have a nappy rash.
  • Sensitive skin
  • soap, detergent or bubble bath
  • diarrhoea
  • rubbing or chafing
  • baby wipes
  • long contact with bodily fluids (wee & poo)
Simple but effective steps can prevent nappy rash occurring:
  1. Probably everyone knows this, change you child's nappy frequently, keeping your child clean and dry will prevent nappy rash in the first place.
  2. let your child's bottom air, we all know children love to be naked let baby's have some time on a towel with there nappy off and older children run around for a bit it lets the air circulate  around their skin
  3. When your changing you child always wipe from front to back, clean the whole area thoroughly, using water or plain baby wipes and make sure its dry properly.
  4. Use a barrier cream after each change
  5. Avoid using talcum powder as it can role in to balls clog together causing friction. 
For a mild nappy rash you can seek advice and support from your local pharmacist or health visitor or a GP/ local health care professional whom will be able to give advice on the best treatment for your child.

You should always seek help from a health care professional if you think your child's nappy rash is getting worse and not better, or if it is accompanied by a high temperature.      

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