Thursday, 17 October 2013

Kiddylicious #Review and #competition

I was contacted by Kiddylicious Snacks and asked If myself and the boys would like to review there healthy children's snacks. I of course love anything with the word healthy, so we jumped at the chance.

Liam has always been such a fussy eater I did wonder after I had said yes, would he even taste them? as sometimes with new products Liam wont even let them anywhere near himself let alone his mouth.

healthy lunchbox snacks for children and toddlers

The products we were sent to review were the Smoothie melts, Fruit wriggles and the fruit and vegetable crisps,

The smoothie melts; when you think of smoothie you often think of milk these little snacks do not contain any milk at all, they are completely lactose and milk free. Each individual melt pack contains one of your recommended five a day fruit or veg portions they are 100% fruit either banana, strawberry or blackcurrant and the packs have naturally occurring sugars.

They do not contain any nastiness,
  • No added preservatives 
  • No added sugar or salt
  • No milk or lactose
  • No seeds or nuts
  • No wheat or gluten
healthy lunchbox snacks for children and toddlers

Which is fantastic from a parents point of view, I love to give the boys snacks and it makes me feel better as a parent when I know what they're eating is healthy.

The taste. The melts do actually melt in your mouth and the flavor is quite strong and in all genuine honesty I thought they were quite sharp in flavor and a bit sour. I was quite apprehensive about giving them to the boys as I had had the first taste, well what do I know? I am just a parent, I gave them to the boys and they both munched down the packet, I heard Liam say mummy I want some more of them sweeties (if only he knew the truth!) so they were a massive hit! I struggle to get a fruit or vegetables down Liam so I am very impressed with these little wonders.

Fruit and Vegetable snacks; The fruit and vegetable crisps are not just flavoured they are actually, fruit and vegetable pieces, they come in five flavors three fruit, Pineapple, Banana and Apple and two vegetable carrot and sweet potato. Each individual packet is part of you one a day recommended fruit or vegetable portion. (Pineapple) Each individual packet contains real fruit the pineapple has 77%  Pineapple slices, vegetable oil, a sprinkle of maltose, naturally occurring sugars and they are suitable for vegetarians.

They do not contain any hidden nastiness
  • No Preservatives 
  • No added salt 
  • No milk or lactose
  • No nuts or seeds
  • No Wheat or Gluten  
healthy lunch box snacks for children and toddlers

These snacks are really tasty, when you open the packet you can smell the fruitiness the snacks are shaped a bit like crisps but they're sweet, when you put them in your mouth they are very crunchy, the fruitiness aroma is replicated in taste they are very sweet and they are quite delightful, again these were a big hit with the boys so another big thumbs to kiddylicious.

The last snack in the range are the Wiggles; These are lace like snack pieces, like the previous two snacks in the range each bag contains at least one of your recommended five a day pieces of fruit and vegetables, there are three flavors in this range Apple, Strawberry and Tropical fruits the bags are all quite similar with the ingredients but different flavours. The tropical fruits contain, tropical fruit (mango, papaya, pineapple and apple) 79%, Concentrated apple juice 17%, rice flour 3% to stop them from sticking together and citrus pectin a gelling agent found in fruit to help them to hold there shape they also contain naturally occurring sugars,

They do not contain any hidden nastiness;
  • No Preservatives 
  • No added salt 
  • No milk or lactose
  • No nuts or seeds
  • No Wheat or Gluten 

I love that these snacks are shaped like laces it makes them quite fun and easy for little fingers to hold. I have to admit again I found these snacks quite bitter and I didn't really like them, but again these snacks are not made for adult taste buds, the boys loved them they both ate the whole bag and Adam was hissing his round like they were little snakes so who am I to argue with there taste buds!

Overall I love these snacks they are great for fussy eaters or children with allergies, my boys felt like they were getting a treat when actually its a healthy extra.
The snacks are ideal as lunch box treats, something to keep in the changing bag when they get hungry, when your out and about or perfect for day trips as a little something extra that is actually quite fun for them, you could also use them on cakes as decoration.
As a parent your mind will be put at rest knowing your little one is having at least one of there recommended five a day fruit or vegetable portions with these healthy little snacks.

To find out more about these healthy snacks and where you can purchase them from visit you can also visit there Facebook page and Twitter.

These healthy snacks were sent to me for the purpose of this review all opinions expressed are honest and remain my own.

Kiddylicious have been kind enough to offer one of my readers the chance to win a selection of there healthy snacks so you can enter via the rafflecopter below and good luck,

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Strawberry for my little pink princess

  2. Banana Smoothie would go down well here

  3. I think the Apple would be a favorite

  4. Strawberry and banana smoothie melts

  5. ive shared the giveaway via facebook

  6. Got to be the scrumptious Sweet Potato Crisps. Yum! :)

  7. My little boy loves the strawberry fruit wriggles

  8. Banana Mango and Passion fruit Smoothie bites

  9. The Pineapple ones - all 3 of mine love the tropical fruits x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Amelia has tried a few different ones, and she loves the strawberry smoothie melts.

  12. it has to be yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy strawberry

  13. We've tried all the sweet ones so I'd like to try her on the carrot ones

  14. Shared on Facebook - Robyn Logan

  15. My girl would love the apple crisps :-)

  16. I think my son would most want to try the apple or carrot crisps. I would love to ry the pineapple ones.

  17. banana although he would would prob love them all

  18. my boys love apple

    i have shared on facebook

  19. Apple would probably be the fav x


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