Sunday, 7 September 2014

#Pregnancy week 18

This week my baby is as big as a bell pepper, I actually have no idea what a bell pepper is - so if any of you reading this perhaps someone can help me understand what it is, but baby should weigh by now around 190g and will measure about 14cm from head to bottom.

Baby now has its ears in the right position and you should visibly be able to see baby's blood vessels if you were looking directly at it. Baby should also be flexing its legs and arms so them flutter and kicks should be felt anytime around now. Although I have had two children already I am not really feeling this baby yet sometimes I have thought I have felt a few kicks but it happens so quickly I am not sure if it is a kick or not - I have come to the conclusion that this baby is very lazy although it still has plenty of time to change!
week 18 pregnancy journey

This is the stage I have hated in previous pregnancy's your not really big enough to wear maternity clothes, but your normal clothes are too small - I must admit my bump is getting more visible now but maybe because I know I am pregnant, if you were a stranger in the street I am sure you would just think I was fat!

I have never been one of those mums that I would say has had a beautiful bump, I look around at other expectant mums and I am stupidly envious of there perfectly rounded football bumps and after two C-Sections my bump is even more misshaped looking more like I am carrying to much weight than a new baby. 

I am sure I am not the only mum that feels that way maybe later in the pregnancy I will be brave enough to show you my mum tum wounds.


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